Resident Influence

Co-op Homes is governed by a Board of Management made up of  up to 8 unpaid members plus one representative from our parent, RHP. The Board meets regularly throughout the year to direct policy and make major decisions on housing matters.

Co-op Homes' residents have the opportunity to become tenant shareholders and to participate at the Annual General Meeting, including electing Board Members.

For greater opportunity to help shape and comment on all Co-op Homes' services and in line with the new regulatory Consumer Standards for 2024, we have redefined our Resident Engagement activities to Resident influence.  We want Co-op Home's residents to influence our services and have a say in our decision making and the way we work.  To do this we have created a resident influence policy which sets out our vision of how we will achieve the standards and involve residents -  you can download a copy from this page below.

We're currently finalising a resident group/squad formed of coop homes residents - our intention is to conduct user research interviews with this group to determine their user needs with a view to improving our services. We also intend to test some of tech around the proposed voting system and some of the potential topics with the group.

If you have any comments on this or would like to get involved, please get in touch via